愛犬2匹も歳をとったことや、最近は腰痛や肩こりにも悩まされることもあり、「インドア派」に拍車がかかりました 。
Profile in English
Thank you for your visit to this blog.
This blog is run by Ken & Mickey living in the Tokyo metropolitan area of Japan.

Hello! I am Ken. Thank you for reading this blog.

Hi! I am Mickey.
We live with two beloved miniature dachshunds, Chataro, 19 years old and Momo, 14 years old.

I am Chataro, “Cha” means brown in Japanese. “Taro” is popular name for a boy.

My name is Momo. “Momo” is peach in Japanese and used for a girl’s name.
We are posting articles basically in Japanese. Some of the posts are translated into English for English readers.
We will also introduce you to such topics as hot topics in Japan, Japanese culture, which can only be noticed by living in Japan as well as Japanese food, the Japanese language, etc.
We are a beginner of running a blog with just started our blog in the summer of 2019.
We are hoping to attract viewers who are interested in the things of Japan!