
Sneaky Pete [Recommended Overseas TV Drama] by Amazon Prime!

Source:IMDb HP
  • Broadcast Year: 2015-2019
  • Season 1-3 (30 episodes)
  • IMDb Category: Crime, Drama
  • IMDb Rating: 8.2
  • Next Season: Unknown

Season 1 & 2 were especially good. The surprising end will be waiting for you for both seasons!

The drama title implies about the story of a con man. The characters, who play the side of the main character Pete, are wonderful and all episodes have full of humanity.

Bryan Cranston, who starred in the masterpiece “Breaking Bad”, as well as Margo Martindale and Allison Wright, who played in the “The Americans” as Russian spies appear in this show. There is only one scene where both Margo and Allison appear on the same screen together throughout all 3 seasons. But I had a glimpse of the producer’s service spirit.

I also noticed from the middle of the season that the ending music of each episode is very good every time. I especially like the ending song of season 3 episode 4.

Antonino Giovanni Ribisi, who plays a principal role, is an American actor who was born in Los Angeles, California. Previous film appearances include James Cameron’s Avatar in 2009, TED in 2012, TED 2 in 2015.




