
Hot Cook Recipe [How to Make Mildly Simmered Daikon and Minced Pork] It tastes so good!


Taste Scoring ★★★★★  Cooking time: 45 minutes, Preparation: 10 minutes + Hot Cook: 35 minutes

It only takes 35 minutes to cook the dish, but the daikon (Japanese radish) becomes soft and crispy as if it has been stewed for a long time.

It is a gentle and tender taste that I love. It also tastes good when it is cold. After you mix them when you eat, the topping of mitsuba (Japanese honewort) will become softer and just right.


Hot Cook Recipe [Mildly Simmered Daikon and Minced Pork] One Point Advice

  • The recipe is for minced pork, but you can use minced chicken thighs or pork chops for an even gentler taste.
  • If the dashi-tsuyu stock liquid you have at home is triple concentrated, use a little less dashi-tsuyu and adjust the flavor before adding the water-soluble potato starch at the end.
  • If the daikon you are using contains much water, the resulting sauce may become loose. Therefore, if you like a thick sauce, add a little more potato starch and cook for about 2 minutes more.


Hot Cook Recipe [Mildly Simmered Daikon and Minced Pork] Ingredients: 2 people

– Ingredients

  • Daikon Japanese radish, chopped into 2-3cm thick bite-sized pieces: 200g
  • Ground pork: 80g (can also be made with ground chicken)
  • Mitsuba Japanese honewort: as needed (as topping when finished)


Hot Cook Recipe [Mildly Simmered Daikon and Minced Pork] Seasonings

– Seasonings

  • Grated ginger: just under 1 teaspoon
  • Dashi-tsuyu soup liquid (2 times concentrated) : 3 tablespoons
  • Water: 110cc
  • Water-soluble potato starch: Mix 1 tablespoon potato starch and 1 tablespoon of water

Hot Cook Recipe [Mildly Simmered Daikon and Minced Pork] How to make

STEP 1:Prepare ingredients
  • Cut the daikon radish into small chunks, about the size of a bite.
  • We use a food processor to make minced meat, so I minced up some pork chunks.
  • Cut the mitsuba Japanese honewort (mitsuba means “three leaves” in Japanese) into 5 cm pieces.
STEP 2:Put all ingredients in the Hot Cook inner pot
  • Mix ground pork, dashi tsuyu soup liquid, and water in an inner pot.
  • Add the daikon and grated ginger to the mixture.


STEP 3:Press the cook menu button

Select a menu => Search by menu number => No.242 (Mildly Simmered Daikon and Minced Pork) => Start cooking => Start

operation-screen-in-Japanese 242

STEP 4:Extend Heat

When you hear the finishing chime, open the lid, add the water-soluble potato starch, and mix it all together. Close the lid of the Hot Cook again and cook for another 3 minutes on extension.

STEP 5:Complete!

When you hear the finishing chime, open the lid, mix it up, and place it in a bowl to serve. Arrange on a plate and garnish with mitsuba.

If you add yuzu (citrus junos) pepper, the aroma and tangy flavor of the yuzu will make it even more delicious. It’s easy to make, yet very tasty, and I highly recommend it!




